A PPY Christmas Party w/ Cowgirl, Captain Starlet & Decksy’s Midnight Stunnah’s DJs

A Please Please You Christmas Party!
Captain Starlet + Decksy’s Midnight Stunnah’s DJs
Saturday 28th January, 7.30pm
Tickets are £6 (+ b/f) in advance (£8 on the door) and available from See Tickets.

*This is a standing show*

Please Please You Christmas Party Time!

Two of our fave rock n roll bands back together at last

Cowgirl have a load of new material to blast you with and Captain Starlet reconvene for the first time since the summer.

Decksy’s Midnight Stunnah’s host the front bar til midnight – A night of music from and for the gals, gays and theys!

Thanks as ever to Erratic Vision for the ace artwork.

A Please Please You Christmas Party!
Captain Starlet + Decksy’s Midnight Stunnah’s DJs
Saturday 28th January, 7.30pm
Tickets are £6 (+ b/f) in advance (£8 on the door) and available from See Tickets.