Michael Chapman: Ancient & Modern (Live from The Merchant Adventurers’ Hall)
A Streamed Concert
To celebrate Michael’s 80th Birthday, this show is now available for only £5!
The concert will be available to watch for up to three days after the premiere date, and you can watch from anywhere in the world.
Veteran troubadour Michael Chapman, has announced a special concert, recorded during lockdown in York’s stunning Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, to be broadcast online next Sunday 29th November. The concert has been recorded in collaboration with local venue The Crescent, and promoters Please Please You and Ouroboros.
The recording, titled Ancient & Modern, represents a look back over his long and illustrious career, featuring classics as well as newer compositions, in addition to a support slot and interview by close friend and mentee, Katie Spencer.
‘I wanted to call it Ancient & Modern in reference to the hymn books of days gone by’, he says, ‘and because it reflects the songs I selected to play for this show’.
The title also reflects Michael’s approach and sound. Whilst firmly rooted in traditional folk, blues and Americana, his constant pushing of the envelope has inspired a whole new generation of artists, such as renowned instrumentalist turned singer Steve Gunn, who produced his last two albums for Paradise of Bachelors; 50 and True North, which featured legends such as BJ Cole and Bridget St John.
This continuous evolution of style is what has captivated Michael’s cult following from the get go, and it’s also made sure that Michael is virtually impossible to categorise, which can sometimes infuriate reviewers and bookers alike, but is exactly what keeps his fervent supporters on board and also what has brought a whole raft of younger appreciators to his music over the last decade.
From the acoustic virtuoso of the early Cornish folk days, of which the album Fully Qualified Survivor remains an icon, through to Memphis Soul courtesy of Stax producer Don Nix, and the album Savage Amusement, dipping into New Age music via Heartbeat, and even full-on improv for Thurston Moore’s label, Ecstatic Peace. After making the acoustic guitar his own, he has recently been exploring the electric in these latter mellower years, whilst still retaining the intensity that his playing and songwriting is renowned for.
Michael Chapman may be approaching 80 but that will not diminish his need to move the music forward, dip into the past, and embrace the present with as much enthusiasm and fervour that a man at his stage in life can muster.
The Concert will be available online to watch for ticket holders as many times as they like for up to three days from the time of broadcast, and you can watch on computers, phones or through smart TVs & Chromecasts.
Michael Chapman, beyond the machinations of the record industry, became the great teacher for all of us guitar playing songwriters coming up in the late 20th Century. With an organic mix of passion and remove he showed that getting lost in the music was a way to find the truth of the heart. No better lesson learned, I’d say.
Thurston Moore, 2020
‘One of my greatest influences in life. Taught me to play guitar better, act like a professional, and always demand mother fucking cash at the end of the night. 80 years and just getting started. A true honor and privilege to call Michael a friend and mentor. MC shows love and truth in every tune. Guitar KING and LIVING LEGEND MICHAEL FUCKING CHAPMAN!’
Ryley Walker, 2020
‘It’s been an honour to share a stage with him, or even just to be in the room when he’s playing. I know so many of his stories and songs by heart now. I cherish them.’
Steve Gunn, 2020